Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Couple of Quick Trips

With only a week and a half off between terms, Rob and I decided to make good use of the time by planning a couple of trips. The first was a visit to the Okanagan without the kids. Yup. You heard that right - without the kids. This was the first time we've had a trip just the two of us since we had the little guys. Unfortunately, it was slightly spoiled by the fact that my marks and reports were due on Monday at noon and having finished teaching Friday at 7:30 - they were definitely not finished. That excuse only got me out of one wine tour :P but I did enjoy meeting the owners of Cedar Creek Winery, who also graciously put us up at Greata Ranch. We enjoyed a gorgeous afternoon under the sun tasting their wines, chatting and enjoying some splendid appies.

The next day I had the pleasure to finally meet Heidi and Michael Noble of Joie Winery in Naramata. Rob had been morel mushroom picking with them a few years back and always spoke highly of them and their endeavours. It was interesting to hear about the adventures that led them to where they are today. Again, a fun afternoon of barrel-tasting and good company.

The only photo I took was of the speeding ticket we got on the way there though. Hehehe... good tunes, no kids...

Later in the week we headed south to Larrabee State Park for a little camping excursion. The kids were in their element exploring the animals (man is banana slug slime hard to get off of hands!) They are such great campers; keen to try it all and shy of nothing nature has to offer. Lucas got himself pretty beaten up falling on barnacle-y and slippery rocks as well as totally wiping out on his bike, but he fared well. The tidal pools were amazing and we even saw a deer wandering through the campgrounds. The smores we built were also pretty damn good this time around if I may say so myself! We all came home pooped and stinking like camp fire, but it was great.

Tomorrow we start bike camp for Lucas and Swimming camp for Mia (and me!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Strawberry Days

The marking and reports are done. Lucas is done preschool. School is ouououououttttt for... another week when I start summer term :( Ah well. We went strawberry picking today which was a dusty, sticky, funny mess enjoyed by all. Let the photos speak for themselves:

Friday, June 19, 2009


Preschool, for Lucas, is over. It has been a wonderful experience that saw both him and I grow in more ways than I thought preschool could. He started a babe and is leaving a boy. Even though I am excited about kindergarten, I am sad to see the end of the days at Little People's. We have all made wonderful friendships and learned amazing things. Thank you Little People - Teacher Liz, Teacher Lena and Teacher Alexandra as well as all the other families that supported Lucas and I as we grew.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

4, 3, 2, 1

Here are the Herman - Higgins, Killam - Aitken clan all lined up by age.

Lucas 4, Owen, 3, Mia 2 and Clare 1.

It's amazing where life leads us. Did we really make all those kids???

An aside from kidlets and pets...

The following link is an excellent article about the branch of the Vancouver School Board that I work for. I won't be angry if you skip it and pretend you never saw this post, but if you're interested in knowing a wee bit more about where I'm working these days you may find this informative.

(I was going to write an article just like this after grad ...but I guess I was beat to it! Next time I'll get my ass in gear before it gets stolen...heeheee... )
Mind you, I don't have the capability of publishing in the Globe and Mail, do I?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ding dong, the frog is gone,
The crazy frog is goooooone.....

I must have jinxed things with my last post about our dear Froggy. After fixing him a up a super-duper new frog condo and stocking it with oh so many live, jumping fesh crickets, the little green bugger jammed his belly full and made a run for the border. Or the back door - no one is really sure. We searched the house on hands and knees for over an hour until Lucas exclaimed, exasperated with my persistence, "Oh Mommy, it's ok. It can just die. Let's go to school." What a realist. Shit.

I think I'm getting a couple of birds soon. Two baby zebra finches. Although Rob is pushing for chickens... Any votes?